Buffy Fish-owl

The Buffy Fish-owl Bubo ketupu is one of the biggest owls in Borneo.  After its size, probably the next thing you will notice is the brilliant yellow iris.  Known for its fishing ability, away from the streams and rivers,  it is also attracted by lights.  Thus around the habituated areas along the Kinabatangan river, this is easily the most common owl.


  1. Kinjite says:

    Hi there. I took a photo of this owl on the Kinabatangan river. It looks similar to the one you describe here but the chest is very different. I am trying to identify it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/105859169@N08/10449397996/
    Is this a Buffy fish owl?

  2. CK Leong says:

    Yes it is and a much photo than mine!

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