
This is the second reincarnation of Borneobirds.com. The aim of this site remains the same: to share the birding environment of Malaysian Borneo with the rest of the birding community.

Hi, my name is Ceekay. I am a full time bird guide based in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. I have been birding since 1987, having previously shown particular disregard for birdwatching until I saw a White-Browed Shrike Babbler through the eyepiece of a visiting birder’s spotting scope. Since then I have improved just a bit more, at times graduating to the birds of Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India and Nepal.

Some photos in this site (rights reserved) are taken with my earlier digiscoping setup of a Kowa TSN823M and a Sony DSC W7. I have recently switched to using a Swarovski ATS65 HD. Hopes are up!

Feel free to contact me.

[email protected]


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