Buffy Fish-owl

The Buffy Fish-owl Bubo ketupu is one of the biggest owls in Borneo.  After its size, probably the next thing you will notice is the brilliant yellow iris.  Known for its fishing ability, away from the streams and rivers,  it is also attracted by lights.  Thus around the habituated areas along the Kinabatangan river, this is easily the most common owl.

Bornean Whistling-thrush

The endemic Bornean Whistling-thrush Myophonus borneensis is a common bird around the rocky streams of Mt Kinabalu and other mountains.  With its high pitched whistle and frequent display of its fan tail, you would have little trouble to id this bird.

Purple Heron

The Purple Heron Ardea purpurea has a large range from Africa to Eurasia to the Sundas.  Here in Sabah, this big heron has established itself in most of the freshwater habitats.  Along the Kinabatangan river, the population has increased tremendously in recent years.  In Kota Kinabalu, the heron is also a common sighting in many areas of the city.

Spectacled Spiderhunter

The Spectacled Spiderhunter Arachnothera flavigaster is a bit of a bully, ready to chase away other birds from any flowering tree it frequents.  It also has a preference for the top level of trees.  If you are hoping a get a photo of the bird as I did, it is better to find a low level flowering tree.  Good luck.

Yellow Bittern

The Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis must favour the weather here.  While it has been a common winter visitor here, there are now lots more of this species resident here.  Active in rice paddies and grassy wet areas, it is easily identified by its black flight feathers against buff wing coverts.  It has a territorial call but during all the occasions I have seen it, it remained silent.