Articles from November 2016

Bar-tailed Godwit

bar-tailed-godwit by Ck Leong

The Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica holds the record for the longest not-stop flight of any bird on migration.  It is very scarce in Borneo, this particular bird seen last month was only my second sighting.  I can only assume that the bird only stopped here briefly to refuel and would have continued on its way to Australia.  

Orange-breasted Trogon

orange-breasted-trogon by Ck Leong

The Orange-breasted Trogon Harpactes oreskios is scarce bird of the hill and lower montane forest but I have had better luck finding it at the Rafflesia Forest Reserve.  For most of the time when I saw this magnificent bird, it had been quiet, reminding me of the other montane trogon, the Whitehead’s.  Both prefer the mid canopy and both give away their presence while displaying vibrant colors in flight.