
Dollarbird by Ck Leong

The Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis is the only roller found in Borneo. It’s a common resident of the lowland and coastal forests where it is frequently seen perched on exposed or dried branches from where it makes aerobatic flights at insects. The bird often appears all dark at a distance, its splendid plumage better enjoyed through a scope. In flight, a silvery patch is prominent under each wing. This is also displayed in other mynas.

Mountain Imperial Pigeon

Mountain Imperial Pigeon by Ck Leong

This large pigeon Ducula badia is a widespread resident of the mountain ranges of Borneo. At certain times of the year, the bird has also been known to leave the mountains to visit the coast. This bird is conspicious both in flight and at rest. In the early morning, it may be seen either singly or in small parties, flying at great height. At rest, its booming call can be heard from quite a long distance. On Mt Kinabalu, this species has either grey or red iris.

Indian Cuckoo

Indian Cuckoo by Ck Leong

The usual comment associated with the Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus seems to be that of “often heard, seldom seen”. Most birders in the Greater Sunda region would be quite familiar with the four note call of this bird. From its tree top perch, the bird would make its territorial announcement, calling even in the middle of the night. One More Bottle! Cheers!

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail by Ck Leong

Our little piece of marshland in Tuaran continues to attract visiting waterfowl. This male Northern Pintail Anas acuta seems to be quite at home amongst a group of Wandering Whistling Ducks. It only started feeding about two hours after sunrise. Later a brief visit by a couple of otters brought the whole duck community to a standstill. We were so captivated by the feeding industry of the Pintail that we quickly forgot about the Garganey and Northern Shoveler which were spotted earlier. Wonderful, these ducks.

Red Throated Flycatcher

Red Throated Flycatcher by Ck Leong

This has been a bumper year for this visitor to Borneo. Previously I have only seen the Red Throated Flycatcher Ficedula parva in Thailand and North Vietnam. Back in Sabah this year I have seen the bird at three different locations, the latest near the Power Station at Kinabalu Park. On all occasions, the bird was quick to react and never called. The breeding male with the conspicious red throat has never been recorded in Borneo, perhaps leading to many birders overlooking it. But it’s there!